How to be a Friend
Friends, we all have them, have different definitions for them, and would even agree that they are usually easier made than kept…My mother always told me if you have one good friend in your life than you are doing well for yourself. If you have one friend that is there for you and possibly doing life with you in essence, then that my friend is a win that is priceless. In this blog we are going to find out what it takes to be a good friend forever and even on days when it may not be so easy.
- Be true to your word
Do not get or make it a habit to make promises that you do not intend to keep. Now do not get me wrong, I understand that life will happen to you at a time where an unforeseen circumstance will make you have to break a promise. Should that scenario happen, be open and honest in your communication to the person you made the promise to.
- Be dependable
To be dependable is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. It means that as a good friend you are to behave in a consistent and trustworthy way. Nobody likes a flake. If you say you are going to do something, then it is your responsibility to follow through.
- Know when to say sorry when you have made a mistake
If you have made a mistake do not be in denial about it; own up to that fact that you are not flawless.
- Be honest
If you want to have people trust you and also be a good friend you have to be honest. You have to be honest in your communication with your friend. If you are upset, share that. If you are sad, share that. And if you are happy share that as well.
- Be real
Be yourself. I cannot stress that enough. Make sure you are investing in friendships where you can be 100% yourself. If your friendship lacks realness, then it will not last.
- Be a good listener
Make sure to listen as much as you talk when in conversation with your friend. When we listen, we open up space between the both of us and it reassures our friend that we care.
- Be there to help your friend deal with struggles
When your friend is having a tough time you have got to be there to show up for them. Be supportive in any way possible: if it requires you to lend a shoulder to cry on…lend it. If it calls on you provide advice to them, well by all means advice, and if you have to seek professional help for them, then do it.
There are so much more tips that I could offer you on how to be a good friend but I chose the seven that were most important and helpful to me. I hope that you have enjoyed this entry. May you experience true and lasting friendships in your life. Until next time, take care and be true.