7 Signs of Self Love
How many times do we tell ourselves that we love ourselves? How many times do we pour into or invest in ourselves? If only we could find it easy to love ourselves or to find the time to invest in ourselves. I know that if we poured into ourselves and loved ourselves more, then we would most likely leave this world having impacted many. Let us take the time while we are here to get to know and love ourselves with these 7 signs of self-love.
- You are not fearful of making decisions
When I was younger I often struggled with the actual act of making decisions. It did not matter how big or how small the decision, I would often be paralyzed by the thought that the decision that I would make would be the wrong one. Yet, as I got older, I grew to not be fearful of making decisions; I think it is because I understood that with every decision came a lesson that could be learned.
- You understand that happiness comes from within and it is not and I repeat is not a destination
Happiness is not a destination that can be found or chased through a job, relationship, or a place. Happiness is instead an inside job that you should choose above all else daily. You should also bring forth your happiness externally to anything and everything around you.
- You do not worry what others think of you and you return the flavor by not judging others
The second I stopped thinking about what others thought of me and I learned to let go of the need to judge others, I really began to start living and loving myself.
- You understand that your body is a temple
Your body wants to break a sweat daily all while staying completely hydrated and being nourished with delicious healthy foods. Don’t deprive yourself of the things that your body needs….after all is your body not a temple?
- You have the capacity to let go of people and situations that no longer serve you
Even though it may be unpleasant at times you need to cut off or set boundaries in relationships you have out grown that no longer serve you anymore.
- You never feel lonely because you enjoy your own company
Wayne Dyer said it best when he said that “you’re never alone If you enjoy the person you’re alone with.” Once you are okay with being alone with yourself and your thoughts, then you know that you are never alone.
- You grant yourself permission to have fun and to be in the moment
You are unafraid to be free in the present moment…you not only enjoy it but you are fully engaged in whatever it is that you are doing.
If you took anything from this article I hope that you have learned to take the time to make the time for you. Who better to love, to pour into, and to invest in then you? Until next time….take care and stay true.