Am I Good Enough?
Have you ever felt forced by life to ask yourself, “Am I good enough?” For one reason or another you may be feeling like you aren’t good enough for him/her; like you aren’t good enough for your parents; like you aren’t good enough for your kids; like you aren’t good enough for your friends; or just plain aren’t good enough for yourself. You feel inadequate and you don’t quite know why and to top that off you are beating yourself up for every little thing. If these words are you please keep reading.
Hi Mr., Ms., Mrs. ‘I’m not good enough’ please stop and tell yourself today, no right now, that you are good enough…PERIOD! You are good enough for him/her, you are good enough for your parents, you are good enough for your kids, you are good enough for your friends, and most importantly you are good enough for yourself. Please know that, live by that, and breathe that known fact.
I need you to know that feelings of inadequacy are okay if you acknowledge that emotion and learn to move on from it. To move on from it you must learn to quiet the voices of doubt and learn to replace them with words of affirmation. Words like I am good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, strong enough, will go a long way especially if you are feeling like you are having a bad day. You cannot just quit when you are feeling inadequate; all the more reason to fight the good fight.
I was once told that for every yin there is a yang and I would like to follow up that phrase by adding that for every bad emotion that you are feeling there is much good emotions waiting to be felt. Remember that, cling on to that statement, especially if it’s during a moment where you are feeling like a failure. It will help you to get to a better place where you can receive those good emotions. Trust me I know I have been there, can write the book, and own the t-shirt to match lol. No but really, on a serious note, I know that it is going to be hard to imagine getting to a better place when you are going through the mess but it will be worth it because you have and always will be enough.
Remember always that you are enough. I wish enough for everyone reading. I wish you enough laughter to power over the tears in your life. I wish you enough sun shining days to shelter out the storms that will come in your life. I wish you enough of everything.
Until next time,
Take care and be true