Chit Chat on Following your Passion
When I wake up in the morning I am fortunate enough that I know where my next meal is coming from, I know how I will get to work , and I know that I will have a place to rest my head that evening when I get home. What I do not know yet is how I will live off of my passion in life. Up until recently I did not even know what I was passionate about. It took some real, deep, honest soul searching until I was able to get to the point where I could take keystroke to keystroke and communicate with you, my virtual audience, about subjects that matter to me…like how to find and to follow your passion. And if I can be real with you, while on my quest to finding and to following my passion I came to realize that no self-defining activity that I love can be a lifelong plan that essentially will produce my purpose. I can write and write and write until I am blue in the face but it will not take me to my purpose. It can help but it will not take me there.
It was not until I got honest with myself and my life did I come to realize what in essence is important to me. I had to search deep within and to ask my maker what His plan was for my life. I had to understand that until I put Him first in all that I did, nothing would work. If I did not learn to put Him first, then I knew that I would be farther away from discovering what His plan and essentially what He would have my life purpose be on this earth. I know that while His plan for my life is still being revealed to me that I am going to live my life in glory of Him.
I know that I am going to live my life authentically. I am going to be honest about my life and how I choose to live in it. I also know that I am going to use my platform on This Life I Live in Truth to share those experiences with others while also discovering myself and following my heart. They say, “The most wonderful adventures in life are the ones that are unplanned.” I did not plan to become a blogger but I am one and the experience I must say has been an excellent one to date.
Before I leave you I want to hear from my readers, what has your experience been like while on your quest to discovering your purpose?
As always I thank you for reading. Until next time, take care and be true.