Dear Grace:
Today I am thankful that I know you and seek to know you with each day. I thank you for waking me up this morning as well. I know that I may not necessarily be where I want to be but because of you Grace, I can look back and see how far I have come. You have given me things that, if I may be honest, that I didn’t deserve. You have helped me to face life challenges with a certain level of cool, calm, and collectiveness that I never quite knew I had.
I am thankful for today and for anything it might bring, like rainy weather….even rain to me has always been a reminder that God wants us to slow down. Thank you for the slow down; it is because of you that I can listen to my own breathe and to pace myself and my steps. How many times do we, in the busyness that is our lives, really slow down enough to hear our own breathe? Not often I would presume, and that my friends needs to change.
Even when life is bringing me or us lemons and I or us in turn are being given lemonade, I know that I that we have so much to be grateful for. It would truly take all of eternity for me to express just how grateful I am … even on my worst of days.
Among the many things that I am grateful for is the sound of my daughter’s voice as she recites an honest and non recited prayer. This is a reminder that you live in us and are working through us. It is because of you that my life has deeper meaning. Thank you for yet another day.
Okay I wrote this letter to grace a while ago and I could remember that it was on my worst of days….where just nothing seemed to be going right….nothing. I could get into the specifics but I won’t. Just know that I wrote this letter when I was at the lowest of my low and it was this letter that helped me to climb out of my despair. Sometimes all it really takes is us elevating our perspective just to see how blessed we truly are. I encourage anyone who has had a bad day to write a letter to grace or to mercy or to love for what it has done in your lives shoot write a letter to God if your spiritual and just watch weights of gilt, pain, agony, etc just be lifted. Once you can see in writing all that you have to be grateful for, then it makes what you are going through that much bearable and that much more possible for you to overcome.
As always I thank you for reading. Until next time. Take care and be true.