Getting Down to the Root of the Feeling of Not Being Good Enough
7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with family and friends.
– Real Girls, Real Pressure: National Report on the State of Self-Esteem, Dove Self-Esteem Fund
What happens when these girls grow into adult women? What I really want to do with this article is to speak honestly about what may very well be a universal thought that many, men, women, and the youth have had at one point or another of “I am not good enough.”
So we are discussing this notion of “I am not good enough” and I really want to take a moment to unpack that feeling, especially now that we as a country on most days are speaking, walking and doing less because of our stay at home orders due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
I want in our time together for us to get to the root of these beliefs so we can have our walks match our talk and so those thoughts of “not being good enough” occur less and less. Before I share my thoughts what do you believe may be the reason or the root cause of why people feel like they are not enough?
My response is the following:
~Narcissistic and abusive (financially, mentally, verbally and or physical abuse) upbringing or past relationship are the biggest reasons and the root cause of feeling like you are not good enough.
Narcissists often project their internal self loathing onto others and often times it manifests itself as someone who categorizes everything as being someone else’s fault. Never are they willing to take accountability for their own actions or lack thereof.
so the relationships we see viewed in our childhood, in our families of origin, have the ability to impact us well into adulthood. Many times they are impacting us negatively because so much is unresolved…no true healing has taken place.
“Because I could not fix my alcoholic/abusive father or because I could not make my absent mother stay, then I am not good enough because of that.”
If those last two examples resonated with you then I want you to keep reading, to take notes even and to consider signing up for a free consultation with me for my services as a life coach.
Now that we know what the root cause of “not being good enough is” I want to now speak to healing.
In order to heal it is important for trauma resolution to take place. It is a process where someone gets deep to uncover where the trauma is imbedded in the child or adult brain and then once found that someone is able to release it.
I once heard the following quote by someone who I believe is unknown
“You’re responsible for how long you let what hurt you, haunt you” || #Quote #WiseWords
I really do believe in those words too. We have got to do the introspective work necessary to be our whole worthy selves. Because we are human we will fall short and have the occasional thoughts of not being good enough but nothing that will stop us from talking and or walking in our purpose.
As always thank you for reading. Until next time, take care and be true.
It has been quite a while I have missed you all.