How to be Among the 8%
Did you know that according to Statistic Brain, only 8% of people follow through with the goals they had set out to achieve in January….only 8%? Now before you get scared and want to give up knowing that fact ask yourself the following question, which, is also the purpose for today’s blog – do you want to be among the 8%? Well if you answered yes, then do not fret because I have compiled a list, which I believe, is of the best advice that can be given to put you among the 8% that actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
- Put your resolution in words that indicate you have already achieved it
Instead of putting the focus on what you want describe the action like May McCarthy, author of The Path of Wealth as complete. Time and time again we have heard someone or another say, “I want to lose 15 pounds” or “I want a better job.” You want, instead, to phrase your goal in a way where you are able to help yourself subconsciously and with intuition. The goal should be described as something that you have already completed and don’t be afraid to use gratitude. McCarthy says, “If you’ve already met your goal, you might say, “I’m so grateful to be physically fit, in a trim, toned, healthy body.”
- Set goals that are small throughout the year
New Year’s resolutions are not the only time that you should be setting goals. I strongly would advise you to break down your lengthy goals and make them shorter and more spread out throughout the year, then it will make your probability of achieving those small goals that much greater.
- Use repetition to strengthen your new habits
They say it takes 21 consecutive days to make or break a habit. Now why is that? The brain is fueled by repetition and it takes repetition to strengthen new habits. You cannot call yourself a profession al pianist if you do not repetitiously play the piano…it just cannot happen….sorry. Okay getting back on the topic of goals, I want you to start every morning reviewing your goals, read them aloud with emotion if you have to. Begin training your brain for success by starting your day with your goals at the forefront.
- You want to find people who have already achieved your goal
It is pretty much like this, “if they can do that, I can do that, too.” If you have that said mentality, then it makes achieving that goal that much attainable if you have an actual person with a story to associate to your goal. Find someone who has already achieved your goal and push on forward to the next tip.
- Be reminded of why you want to make the change
Many professionals like Tim Bono, assistant dean and lecturer on psychological and brain science at Washington University in St. Louis have suggested that if you identify an important reason as to why you are resolving to change something in your life, then you will stay motivated. For instance you can say that you have set a goal for your kids or for your health. When you are reminded of such things it keeps you motivated to actually achieve that set goal.
- Hold yourself accountable
The main reason why most people who make resolutions do not end up sticking to their goal is because they lack accountability. If we organize ourselves ahead of time, we can devise a plan for dealing with temptation and setbacks and subsequently come up with ways to respond in those moments. Say to yourself if I cheat my diet today, then I will work out more the next day. You see it is just like that, we not only held ourselves accountable in that instance but we did not make it too much of a big thing that we stumbled. Now if you really want to hold yourself accountable, I would even take it one step farther and write out written progress reports to send to a friend….kind of like an accountability partner to help you stick to your goal. You might even want to keep an accountability journal to keep you on track. You can get one here.
Well this concludes our tips for how to be among the 8%. I hope you have found this blog post to be helpful to you and I certainly hope that your goals become your reality. Until next time, take care and be true.