How to Live a Purposeful Life Again
Have you ever had a series of bad events happen to you that just knocked you off of your purpose…where you find yourself loosing. Last month you loose your best friend to gun violence, this month you find out your seven year relationship has ended (another loss), two weeks from that time you loose your job, and one week ago you receive the tenth ‘thanks but no thanks’ email regarding a potential job. Can somebody say, “when it rains it pours”. Can somebody say, “nothing in my life seems to be going right.” Can somebody say, “I cannot do this thing called life right now.” If you have ever fallen from your purpose or have felt or experienced any of the descriptions depicted in the previous sentences, then this article on living your life with purpose is for you. “Sometimes we have to loose to win.” In this article we will explore several ways in which we can win by living our lives more purposefully.
1. Build beneficial and lasting relationships
Ask yourself are you building relationships that can test the times. When you begin to live purposefully you will find the relationships that you seek to foster are those that are mutually beneficial; where you are able to scratch my back and I am able to scratch yours.
2. You take accountability
When you find yourself living a life of purpose you will find that you have no time to play the blame game. You take, instead, full responsibility for your actions and are constantly looking for ways in which you can improve on being accountable.
3. You remember that you are authentic
You remember who you are; you remember why you were placed o this earth; you have as a result a strong sense of values, goals, principles; and you are constantly checking in with yourself to take the best course in action.
4. You put your needs first
In order to adequately help others you must first learn how to care for ‘your PERSONAL neeeds.’ Once your needs are met you can be there for someone else in a positive and nurturing way.
5. You are focused on growing
I believe Margaret Fuller said it best, “Our purpose in life is to grow.” When you purpose your life to continually be growing, you will find constant benefits from it and find yourself getting closer to achieving your own goals and objectives.
6. You are more decisive
You find more solace in making decisions. No longer are you wasting time over analyzing things that will not matter one year from now let alone 5 years from now. You are really clear on what you want and that is largely due to you knowing whether something serves your purpose or not.
7. You do not compete
When you have really got this thing called living purposefully down, you do not feel the need to compete with others or to compare your life to others. You measure success not by doing better than others, but rather, by being the best that you can possibly be for yourself.
Even if I do not know who you are or where you are in your life’s journey, I hope these tips on how to live your life purposefully were helpful to you. Before I go, I want you to know that, you can win from loosing.
Until next time.
Take care and always be true.