How to Overcome the Fear of Getting in Front of an Audience
Presentation day is here and instead of looking over your notes, you are spending that time in and out of a toilet trying to push out all of your nerves. Your head is spinning, your palms are sweaty, your eyes are twitching, and your nerves are shot… if only you can get through this presentation. Many people experience these symptoms of fear when they are tasked to get in front of an audience to speak. If you are among the many, then you are in luck, today we are going to learn a few tips on how to overcome the fear of getting in front of an audience. It must be noted that the absence of complete fear may not happen when it comes to speaking publically. After all a little bit of fear is positively healthy.
Stop using outdated scripts
Sometimes we get stuck on an idea of our past self that we fail to realize who we have become. Well what I am really trying to say is before you are quick to utter the following script, “Where you tell yourself that you are not good at X, Y, Z, which could include public speaking.” Let us make sure that we are basing it on where we are now and not where we were say 7 years ago. I can remember thinking to myself that I am not an expert every time I had to speak, I bet that was true when I was 23, but I failed to realize that I now have a master’s degree in research, am a published author/journalist who could now through research be an expert on any said topic. I realized I was using an outdated script for myself where in my mind; I was preventing myself from moving forward.
Find a place to practice that is safe
The quickest way to get better at speaking in front of an audience is to just do it in a safe place. A place where like-minded individuals who want to also get better at speaking could be around you and could give you constructive feedback. Many sign up for Toastmasters to achieve that safe practicing place, but it is really up to you. Just as long as the stakes aren’t high when you practice speaking, you will get more comfortable and better at it.
Get out there
It is as simple as that…even if you are not quite ready actively seek speaking engagements and just get out there.
Learn from the experts
Watch the best of the best in action when it comes to public speaking, take notes if you have to, and just learn from them.
I hope these tips have been helpful to you. Good luck on our next speaking engagement. Until next time Take care and be true.