Mitchell and Gessie Talk Relationships

What in the ....relationship!
What in the ....relationship!
Mitchell and Gessie Talk Relationships

Listeners our guest this evening is a special treat. I am glad to know him and to call him family. A wonderful representation of young black manhood, someone’s son indeed. Can y’all tell I am dotting over my younger cousin…as a proud older cousin :-). Without further delay I introduce, a member of my family and second year medical student, Mitchell Belizaire. He is joining me in an authentic conversation regarding relationships and many sub-topics in between. Grab your popcorn or a beverage of choice because this is an episode you do not want to miss.

As always I thank you all for listening, like, write a review, sow a seed – become a Patreon, and or share episode with your network.

Interested in my Specialty Class on Intentionality for those interested in buying a home, if yes click here to register.

Special thanks to LaPlante Productions for Music in Intro and Outro.


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