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In all that we do, especially, when it comes to human interaction, let it be done with love and respect.  So many people are walking through life wounded and hurt and in turn are turning around to hurt others.  Many times these people were not given love or respect and for that reason are taking it out on those closest to them.  Women and men alike I am sure have all felt at one point or another less respected by their spouse, kids, bosses all for one reason or another.  If you feel like you are in that category of people who are not getting the respect that you deserve then you want to read on to acquire some tips on how to reteach those around you on how to treat you better.

Talk about it

Cool, calm, and collected is how you want to talk about it so that way things are kept to a discussion rather than a fight.  The point about talking things out is to be understood.

Take Care of yourself

You cannot command respect if you are not well enough to care for yourself.  Make sure on a daily basis that you are tending to yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  As you are tending to these things make sure to honor your time and commitments.

Be a Model

In order to receive respect you have to be able to model respectful behavior.  Do not be tempted to act disrespectfully when you are disrespected.

Set Boundaries

In a clear and concise manor, you want to be able to set boundaries.  A wonderful way to do that is to let your “yes” mean yes and your “no” mean no.  You also want to know without a shadow of a doubt what you are willing to do and or tolerate.

Don’t set yourself up for Burnout

As women especially we have been known to give and to give to the point of burnout and this is not what we want to do.  Sacrificing ourselves and putting ourselves last frankly is for the birds.  With all of your might refrain from giving to the point of burnout.

State your Desires with Kindness

Clearly, calmly and firmly state with kindness what your desires and expectations are.

Be Assertive

Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself without anger (easier said than done, but if you respect yourself there will be no need for anger).


I know this is not everything but it is a start.  If disrespect has been a part of your life for a while it is going to take time to see results.  If you want to reteach those around you on how to treat you better you have to be consistent.  There is no easy way around it.  I ask that you just keep your eyes on the prize and just keep pushing.  I can guarantee that once you start to see results it will all be worth the effort.  As always thank you for reading.   Take care and be true.

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