The State of Today’s jobs
Man listen when I tell you it is hard out here! People are out here either still jobless, or losing jobs. What is it about today’s work culture that has us in this jobless state? Now after doing some research it seems that companies big and small and I want to emphasize small, are finding each hire that they make to be crucial to their overall success as a company. Now what are the expectations of any company who is making a crucial hire look like? Companies are becoming more stringent on personality traits than on required skills or anything else. It is in my belief that companies now are realizing that hard skills can get anyone a job but it is the soft skills that will keep them there. Now what do I mean by all of that? Companies have wizen up due to having high turn overs or declined revenue that it does not fully matter that a candidate have all of the required skills what matters most is that their personality traits are suitable to the company. What are the personality traits that employers are looking for do you ask? In this blog post we are going to explore the top 7 personality traits of what I like to call an ideal employee.
Now it does not matter the industry, pay, age, or sex, all ideal employees share some of the following common traits.
- Action Driven
As an employee you want to take chances through your actions. Now I know that with every chance comes risk. What matters is what taking chances bring out in you, which are confidence and the desire to generate new ideas.
- Intelligent
Intelligence is not all there is but it is a strong foundation for success.
- Autonomous
As an employee you want to be able to get the job done without having to ask 20 questions.
- Display leadership
See yourself being a significant part of the company to the point where you can see yourself leading future employees. With self-confidence leadership begins.
- Cultural fit
It is really simple ask yourself if you will enjoy working with your supervisor(s) on a daily basis or with the other employees?
- Be upbeat
Go into work with a fresh and energetic attitude. Be optimistic.
- Be passionate
Lastly you have got to be passionate about the work you do. Employees who are passionate have said that they feel like they haven’t worked a day in their lives. Make sure you are enjoying the journey when pursing that end goal.
If you are jobless or not I hope you were able to take something away with you from this blog post. May this little bit of insight into what employers are looking for help to position you in a positive direction when it comes to landing your next gig? As always I thank you for reading. Until next time take care and be true.