This is Me
This is Me
This is me being the more that I want
This is me feeling a level of permanency in wanting more
There is nothing temporary about it
This is me plunging into my desires
This is me taking my life in an upward direction
This is me going after what I want
This is me smiling from ear to ear
This is me living the treasures found in each day
All while saying freely, feeling boldly, plunging deeply, choosing intently, taking honestly, going permanently, smiling brightly, and living whole heartedly.
This is me
choosing me
Inside the Poets thoughts
This is me is a recent poem that I was inspired to write based on just where I am in my life right now. What is that place do you ask? I am at a place of knowing: I know enough about who I am to know that before I can do; I must first be. I realized, in order to do; I-had-to-be. Now I know to many this sounds like a riddle or a cliché saying but to me this is real life. I had to arrive at the realization that before I could do anything to change the world, I had to first become the change that I wanted to see in the world. I had to stop making excuses for myself as to why I was not reaching or aiming to reach my best self. I could no longer feel sorry for myself for not arriving at the many milestones that others would deem make you “quote on quote” successful. I put a halt to all things mediocre and focused instead on greatness. I focused on the great things that, I now, believed that I deserved and I pushed forward. I met each day with a smile, took nothing for granted, and I looked for life’s daily treasures. Now I know that I am not quite where I want to be but if I were to look back on just a few months, I could see that I am not where I used to be ….and that my friend is a cause for celebration. If there is anybody out there that is longing for more I am here to tell you that it is yours to take. The world is your oyster. You are deserving of all things great. You just have to be the thing that you want to see in the world, and then you can start to do what needs doing. As always I thank you for reading. Until next time, take care and be true.