When It’s Your time, IT IS YOUR TIME!
I woke up this morning not knowing what today’s blog post was going to be about. I asked myself, “What do you want to tell the world that you have recently told yourself…maybe even more than once.” And then suddenly I had that ‘ah hah’ moment that Oprah is famous coining.
Did you know that when the Lord or a higher power says it’s your time IT IS YOUR TIME! Just Believe!
So you got passed up on that promotion at work that you knew you deserved…..Unfair right? Wrong, it was not your time. You got to believe that He or something is preparing you for something greater…….Just believe. What could be greater than a promotion do you ask? Could be a new role is being created for you somewhere else that you do not already know about. You have got to trust and to have faith that everything will work out in the end. Patience is in fact a virtue.
It is true, Patience is in fact a virtue, when it’s your time IT IS YOUR TIME! Just Believe! I spent the last year and a half living in a “big, small” city; I call it, without a vehicle living that motto. To get, a now, six year old daughter to and from school, to get myself to work from DC to Maryland, to running errands on the weekend: laundry and groceries, and to going to church all on foot, by bus, metro, oh and thank goodness for Uber. I remember on days when the weather was below zero, or it was down pouring rain that I just could not do this for one more day, but then another day came and left that I had braved that showed me that I could do it. I did it for one year in a half and after spending thousands of dollars on Uber, and wearing out many shoes, and braving the elements of the weather I finally got myself a car. It took patience to get to that point. I thought I was going to get a car many a times but it just was not my time at the time. But I will tell you this, “when it was my time, the Lord did things for me that I never thought imaginable just so I could get the car.” For one my credit to get a car wasn’t so great, but that did not matter. He was able to help me to find a car dealership that specialized with people with bad/fair credit. I was told that my interest would be high, my monthly would be high, and my down payment would be high but none of those things were true and thank goodness for that. I remember saying a prayer while I was at the dealership to help me to get a great deal and to dispel all these so called facts and He did just that for me.
He can do it for you too. Something that you believe in can do that for you too. If you find yourself losing faith and losing the patience to go on just know and trust that when it’s your time IT IS YOUR TIME. Believe it! Say it over and over again until you do in fact trust it. Everything will work out in the end ….you just have to be patient to get to that point to see it.
As always I thank you for reading. Until next time, take care and be true.