“When Jesus Says Yes, Nobody can Say No!”
It is now Saturday, November 12, 2016 and we are 4 days into the 2016 Presidential Election being over, and it is just now sinking in that Donald Trump has been elected as President of the United States. Many including myself are in shock that such a demoralizing campaign could land anyone a presidency. We are in shock, yes, but as Christians, what are we to do now with this shock? For one I would encourage all who do not know the following hymn to start reciting it, “when Jesus says yes, nobody can say no…” We have to believe and to stand in prayer that our Lord is Lord and He is the finisher of all. We should pray for our soon to be president because the Lord commands us to pray for “all who are in high positions” (1 Tim. 2:1-2) In our prayer we should ask the Lord to help him to succeed in leading this country with wisdom and justice.
At this point in the game we have to look at our cups as half full as opposed to half empty. There could be worse things…hard to believe but this is true. We have to be the light that we want to see in the world. There is so much darkness on this earth and within our culture that we CAN help to combat, whether that is the abortion culture, the divorce culture, sexism culture, ageism culture, or the racism culture. We have got our work cut out for us. I say pick a culture that needs work and get to it. If you do not believe in the divorce culture, make it your mission to work on keeping or putting your marriage on sound and solid grounds. If you do not agree with racism culture, do not be racist or prejudice against any said group. Be instead AGAIN a light onto the world. Be the people who can stand in the sun and tell the truth. No matter what tell the truth, be truthful to yourself and to others.
The Most important take away from all of this is the reminder that the best has yet to come. Our lives on earth are but a playground for the actual lives that we will live eternally and triumphantly in heaven. I say we stop worrying and start marching in this world instead with purpose and towards the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ. Will the days that lie ahead be void of difficulty? Absolutely not. Will our culture experience a decline? Most likely yes. The question we ought to ask ourselves is “who are we?” We are not defined first as Democrats, Republicans, Progressives or Conservative. We are not even first citizens of the United States of America. We are rather first children of our triumphant and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. We are His resilient survivors. There is nothing that He would have us go through that we will not come out more triumphantly over. So are we ready to pray, to preach, to teach, to reach, and to tell the truth? I sure hope so…our lives in the kingdom of heaven are rooting and commanding and depending on us to do our part while on this earth. Let us not just stand there in shock and in dismay let us do our part. Until next time. Take care and be true.